Zinātniskās publikācijas

Vincevica-Gaile Z., Stankevica K., Klavins M., Setyobudi R.H., Damat D., Adinurani P.G., Zalizar L., Mazwan M.Z., Burlakovs J., Goenadi D.H., Anggriani R., Sohail A. (2021) On the Way to Sustainable Peat-Free Soil Amendments. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture,  37 (Special issue 1), 122-135, https://doi.org/10.17582/journal.sja/2021.37.s1.122.135

Rudovica V., Rotter A., Gaudêncio S.P., Novoveská L., Akgül F., Akslen-Hoel L.K., Alexandrino D.A.M., Anne O., Arbidans L., Atanassova M., Bełdowska M., Bełdowski J., Bhatnagar A., Bikovens O., Bisters V., Carvalho M.F., Catalá T.S., Dubnika A., Erdogan A., Ferrans L., Haznedaroglu B.Z., Hendroko Setyobudi R., Graca B., Grinfelde I., Hogland W., Ioannou E., Jani Y., Kataržyte M., Kikionis S., Klun K., Kotta J., Kriipsalu M., Labidi J., Lukic Bilela L., Martínez-Sanz M.,  Oliveira M., Ozola-Davidane R., Pilecka-Ulcugaceva J., Pospiskova K., Rebours C., Roussis V., López-Rubio A., Safarik I., Schmieder F., Stankevica K., Tamm T., Tasdemir D., Torres C., Varese G.C., Vincevica-Gaile Z., Zekker I., Burlakovs J. (2021) Valorization of marine waste: Use of industrial by-products and beach wrack towards the production of high added-value products. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 723333, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.723333

Vincevica-Gaile Z., Teppand T., Kriipsalu M., Krievans M., Jani Y., Klavins M., Hendroko Setyobudi R., Grinfelde I., Rudovica V., Tamm T., Shanskiy M., Saaremae E., Zekker I., Burlakovs J. (2021) Towards sustainable soil stabilization in peatlands: Secondary raw materials as an alternative. Sustainability, 13(12), 6726, https://doi.org/10.3390/su13126726

Vincevica-Gaile Z., Stankevica K., Klavins M., Trubaca-Boginska A. (2021) Data on physical and chemical characterization of wood combustion products derived at cogeneration power plants. Data in Brief, 36, 106994, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2021.106994

Vincevica-Gaile Z., Stankevica K., Irtiseva K., Shishkin A., Obuka V., Celma S., Ozolins J., Klavins M. (2019) Granulation of fly ash and biochar with organic lake sediments – a way to sustainable utilization of waste from energy production. Biomass & Bioenergy, 125: 23-33, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.04.004

Vincevica-Gaile Z., Grinfelde I., Stankevica K., Berzins E., Klavins M. (2018) Characterisation of wood combustion fly ash in a context of applicability in agriculture. SGEM 2018 Proceedings on Energy & Clean Technologies, 18(4.1): 187-194, https://doi.org/10.5593/sgem2018/4.1

Burlakovs J., Jani Y., Kriipsalu M., Vincevica-Gaile Z., Kaczala F., Celma G., Ozola R., Rozina L., Rudovica V., Hogland M., Viksna A., Pehme K.-M., Hogland W., Klavins M. (2018) On the way to ‘zero waste’ management: Recovery potential of elements, including rare earth elements, from fine fraction of waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 186: 81-90, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.102