
Research activities of the project are divided into three work packages:

1WP: Selection of ingredients and elaboration of composition of the formula: Involves selection and collection of biodegradable waste and byproducts, and other ingredients (sapropel, digestate, biochar, ash etc.) applicable for the elaboration of the formula, development of variations of the formula, variability assessment (standardization), investigation of availability of ingredients and their potential application. Elaboration of the formula – development of its composition, consistency, elaboration of prototype. Readjustment of the research methodology for improvement of soil properties and quality – application options of sapropel, biosorbents, clay and other resources.

2WP: Investigation of properties of the elaborated formula: Involves investigation of properties of the formula that will be performed using the prototype elaborated during the 1WP, which will be characterized agrochemically basically in accordance with EU Ecolabel criteria for soil improvers and growing media that involves detection of pH, content of organic substances, biogenic elements and analysis of other parameters, as well as ability of the formula to bind soil pollutants (e.g., heavy metals) and to reduce salinity jointly with plant growth stimulation will be determined. Effectiveness of fertilizing effect and ability of the formula to stimulate plant growth at various plant development stages in soil contaminated with different level of pollutant will be tested using phytotoxicity tests, germination and early seedling tests, growth tests that will be started straight after the first preliminary results characterizing agrochemical properties of ingredients and the formula as well as assessing ability to bind polluting substances in soil and reduce salinity.

3WP: Investigation of effectiveness of the formula in use: Effectiveness of the formula will be tested in artificially constructed conditions similar to natural environment by using selected crop species applicable for cultivation in general agriculture as well as important for urban agriculture. Taking into account the results of experiments, the concept of practical application of the formula in general agriculture both, conventional and organic, as well as in urban agriculture will be worked out.